Relic: Apex Toolset

Apex Toolset is a set of tools for converting formats used in Apex engine.

DDSC Convert

Converts ddsc textures. ddsc are stored in pairs with hmddsc or atxn.
The tool converts ddsc pairs to common dds format.
It can also generate ddsc pairs from dds textures as well.

R2 Small Archive

Extracts small archive content from RAGE 2.
These archives are different from ones used in others titles.

Small Archive

Small archive is a common archive used in Apex titles.
They have a lot of extensions (.ee, .bl, .nl, .fl, etc…) and are widely used to store large amount of small files.
Tool supports every variety of Small Archive (except RAGE 2).
Tool can also generate any Small Archive.

More tools are planned to be added…

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